Analog dual white LED flash driver to improve the image quality of mobile phone cameras (Figure)

On July 9th, Analog Devices (ADI) released a dual white LED flash driver, the ADP 1655, which maximizes the limited current available in battery-operated digital cameras to increase the brightness of the flash to 200lm and improve image quality. . The ADP 1655's inductor-based flash driver improves the reliability of high-resolution camera operation in mobile phones, digital cameras (DSCs), camcorders, PDAs, and other camera-equipped portable devices, especially in the dark. In the environment. In mobile phone applications, the patented transmit masking feature in the new drive allows the camera flash to operate at higher LED currents, while also operating the phone's RF radio transceiver to monitor base station transmissions. The incoming signal.
The ADP 1655 integrates a 2MHz synchronous boost converter, a 500mA programmable current source, and a set of I2C interfaces, which allow the timer and current to be easily programmed, with system control and safety control. The relevant data can be read repeatedly. The ADP 1655 has 5% flash current accuracy and also allows the camera to increase the LED current without exceeding the safety margin that causes the phone to shut down, thereby improving flash brightness.
The ADP 1655 also includes an additional set of high-side current sources that allow the flash LED string to be connected to the camera's ground plane, eliminating the need to route the LED back to the IC route. This allows designers to simplify the path on the printed circuit board, reduce circuit trace length and heat dissipation, and enable the camera to be designed in a more compact layout.

ADP1655 Functional Block Diagram

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