Apple claims that the Kindle is not seen as an e-book market**

In a court filing submitted to the court, Apple stated that the view that Apple considers the Kindle to be "threatening" is completely wrong and should not be part of the e-book price manipulation case.

Apple stated in the document that any claims regarding it as a threat to Amazon and the Kindle e-book store are absurd, "The 'Kindle threat theory' is untenable. If Amazon is we think we need to take illegal measures Pressed 'threat', why did Apple allow Amazon's Kindle app to land on the iPad?"

Apple has always been unable to "coexist peacefully" with competitors. Allowing iOS device users to read books from their iBooks or other services will help Apple defend itself in litigation brought by the Department of Justice.

However, according to Walter Isaacson, the author of Apple’s late CEO Steve Jobs' biography, Jobs admitted that he had formulated a plan to suppress Amazon in the field of e-books, which may mean higher Electronic book prices. Jobs said, “We inform the publishers, 'We will use the agency system, you set the price, we get a 30% commission, the customer may need to pay a higher price, but you are willing to do this.' Publishers will pressure the Amazon , 'You must sign an agency agreement or we will not provide you with books'."

Agency agreements are widely considered to be a reason for the rise in the prices of e-books. The agency agreement eliminates "wholesale prices," and Amazon can use wholesale prices to lower e-book prices. At present, the price of e-books is much higher than before, prompting government regulators to conduct in-depth investigations into the e-book industry.

The U.S. Department of Justice has not formally filed an anti-monopoly lawsuit against the electronic book industry. The Wall Street Journal reported last week that the Justice Department may institute antitrust lawsuits soon, but it is unclear exactly when.

Apple and some publishers were accused last year of the federal district court in Northern California. The original told that the proxy model pushed up the price of e-books and demanded that the defendant compensate economic losses.

Galvanized Monopole tower 
Galvanized monopole Towers are used for a variety of communication applications and are ideal for use when zoning is difficult.  Monopoles can also be designed as camouflage poles: pine tree poles, flag poles, palm poles and other stealth towers. Many uses include cellular monopoles, wireless internet monopoles, wifi tower, homeland security monopoles, two-way monopoles, and wind tower monopoles.

1. Based on its shapes, it is generally divided into 5 types: Goblet type, cathead type, cathead type, shaped type and barrel type.
Based on application, it can be divided into: Strain tower, straight line tower, angle tower, transposition tower (tower for transposition of wire phase position), terminal tower and crossing tower, etc.

2. Their structural features are: All kinds of towers are of space truss structures; Bard are mainly composed of single equal angle steel or assembling angle steel; Materials are generally Q235(A3F) and Q345(16Mn); Bars are connected by black bolts with shearing force; Entire tower is composed of angle steels, link plates and bolts; A few components like tower base are assemblies of welded steel plates for convenience of hot galvanizing anti-corrosion, transportation and erection.

3. For steel towers that with height below 60m, shackles are mounted on one of main columns for construction people to climb to work. Our Company is a large scale enterprise specializing in manufacturing of 220KV (330KV) electric power steel tower with advanced manufacturing facility and international top-ranking assembly line.

Monopole Tower

Monopole Tower, Telecommunications Monopole, Steel Monopole Tower, Monopole Transmission Tower,Galvanized Monopole